1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证明University’s registration certificate
6.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
7.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
8.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证明University’s registration certificate
6.上海、安徽、浙江或江苏的身份证或居住证ID card or Residence permit of Shanghai,Anhui,Zhejiang or Jiangsu
7.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
8.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
9.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证明University’s registration certificate
6.(6个月)银行流水Bank Statement
7.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
8.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
9.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证明University’s registration certificate
6.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
7.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
8.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证University’s registration certificate
6.(使领馆辖区)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
7.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
8.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证University’s registration certificate
6.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
7.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
8.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证University’s registration certificate
6.四川或重庆的身份证或居住证ID Card or Residence Permit of Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality
7.(6个月)银行流水Bank statement
8.存款证明(一般存款5万以上,冻结6个月以上)Bank deposit certificate
9.学习课表Study timetable
10.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
11.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
12.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证University’s registration certificate
6.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
7.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
8.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency
1.护照首页Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document
2.近6个月内拍的彩色(白底或蓝底)证件照Photograph taken within the last six months
3.录取通知书+邀请函+签名人身份证Letter confirming enrollment details from school signed by authorized person together with a copy of ID card or passport of the signer
4.前置最高学历公证书Academic certificate from previous education level
5.学校建校证University’s registration certificate
6.广东或海南的身份证或居住证ID Card or Residence Permit of Guangdong and Hainan Province
7.(使领馆辖区的)身份证+1年出入境记录Document indicating current residency.Chinese residing in Mainland China:1 year Entry-Exit record.
8.护照整本扫描Applicant is required to upload passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 1 year.
9.无犯罪证明Criminal record certificate issued by the country where applicant has legal residency